Recomazing Blog

Car Next Door CEO, Will Davies, shares top productivity tools for startup success

[fa icon="calendar"] 09-Feb-2017 16:20:40 / by Miles Thomas

Will Davies, Founder of Car Next Door is getting used to kicking goals. Since 2012, Car Next Door has grown to 20+ desks and raised over $5 million dollars in funding. Including $300K from Shark Tank's Steve Baxter.  

We caught up with Will to learn some of the secrets to his success and one of the most important things he referenced was individual and team productivity.

“When you first start out it’s often just you. But that doesn’t mean you can’t build an ecosystem of productivity that can grow with you as your team expands. The following tools have been awesome over the past few years for helping me track and manage my personal tasks and those of my team.”


One of the things you get told when you read articles about productivity is that it’s a really good idea to track what you spend time on for a week to get an accurate idea of where your time goes. Toggl is a really good tool for doing this. You start the timer when you begin a task and it gives you a tally of your time at the end of the week.


Any startup should be using Trello. It's so intuitive and easy as a project management tool. We use Confluence for internal manuals but found it has too large of a learning curve for use across all team members. Anyone on the team can pick Trello up easily.


Mail Conductor is a really simple Gmail add-on that let’s you send repeating emails. For example, if you want to send the same reminder to your team every couple weeks you can schedule it.


Write all your emails while offline. SO good for catching up on your commute.


With ActiveInbox, you can set a due date for your emails so it pops up in your inbox!


I use Wunderlist for my "quick tasks" as opposed to "projects" which I put in Trello. For example, I have an "On the Road" list for tasks to do on my commute, a shared list with my wife for shopping, etc. You just create a list and then tick the items off as you go.

A big thanks to Will for sharing some of his secrets to startup success.  You can see all of Will’s recos here.  

Topics: Reco Lists, Productivity, Car Next Door

Written by Miles Thomas

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